Welcome back to school, Mustangs!  Here we go!

We will have information and timing on our August 24th Rehearsal and Parent Preview very soon!



Students, be sure to sign up and take part in making our new BVN Students feel welcomed and pepped up for their first day!

It will take about 45mins of time on Monday morning. Meet in the Band Room at 10:00am and done between 10:45am-11:00am. Wear your new dark blue band shirt! Thank you for coming to play!



Order some stylish BVN Band Spirit Wear! Order and pay online, items will be delivered to the band room! https://stores.inksoft.com/BVNband/
This sale ends at midnight on Sunday, August 18th.


Order and pay directly online with this presale link: https://pec-sports.hhimagehost.com/BVNMUSTANGS
Pre-ordering gives access to exclusive discounts and packages. While images are not available to view yet, your order is 100% guaranteed. Pre-ordered pictures are specially grouped together, cheaper and there are no shipping charges. This presale offer ends at 8 AM on Monday, August 12th.


If you have not yet, please be sure that you have:

Filled out our BVN Band Information Form: https://forms.gle/vz3F6tUMGvQAaGtz6

Viewed/Synced our Calendar: https://bvnband.org/student-resources/calendar/

Read the Band Handbook and fill out the Signature Form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SlPc_fbOD14BiJiukhqJVucVZLMWWdsa/view?usp=sharing and https://forms.gle/57ytxYgnnjYJUqQZ7

Checked your BoosterHub Account: https://www.boosterhub.com/

Paid Band Dues: https://bvnbandboosters.boosterhub.com/store/1416

Taken care of the BV District Forms: https://bluevalleysd-ar.rschooltoday.com/home