Fundraising Opportunities are available for those who wish to participate. Fundraising is NEVER required for membership in the BVN Bands, but does provide important support for all members of the Band Program.
Fundraising efforts in the BVN band help to make the band experience the best it can be for all students in the band by helping with a variety of expenses for the band. Below are just some of the projects the Band has participated in.
Annual Fundraisers (in seasonal order):
Click to volunteer here
Band Car Wash:
Held at the beginning of each school year. Voluntary and Fun! The annual band car wash caps off summer band camp. Held for the last several years behind the Whole Foods Market on 119th, students wash cars in exchange for donations. Students can join the wash line, or bring their instruments to play on the street corner to promote the event.
Band Spirit Wear:
A small fundraiser – much more focused on getting everyone in BVN Band Gear rather than making $$… but it does earn a small amount of revenue.
Hen House Holiday Grocery Bagging:
The BVN Band partners with Hen House on 119th in Leawood to provide holiday rush grocery baggers in return for a donation from the store and from customers. This fundraiser is fantastic, as it gets our band out in the community in ways our other events do not. It also helps out a local business and their employees, and is the BEST fundraiser we do, financially.
Annual Pancake Dinner and Jazz Festival:
Held Friday night of Musical Week in February (usually the first Friday in February). The traditional Pancake Dinner fundraiser welcomes guests with a delicious pancake and sausage dinner served by Chris Cakes. We usually serve around 600 plates of pancakes(!!!) In addition, entertainment is provided by the Blue Valley North Jazz Band as well as the Jazz Bands of Leawood and Overland Trail Middle Schools. Ticket sales and a silent auction make this a lucrative event. Proceeds go to the Doc Roberts Scholarship Fund.
BVN Booster Club
We HIGHLY encourage all band parents to join the BVN Booster Club. Each year, the PBC (Parent Booster Club) gives the Performing Arts Department incredible support, without which we would not run nearly as well as we currently do. If you are able – please support this wonderful organization!
The Band and Orchestra programs may accept Gifts-in-kind
Instruments donated by individuals along with other music related items are often use to help students who either do not have an instrument or are in need of a temporary instrument when theirs needs repair.
For more information on how to give a Gifts-in-kind, donations, or a tax deductible monetary contribution, please contact Mr. Mr. McCarty.