Monthly Archives: November 2020

Fwd: BVN Band Update, 11-24-2020

Hello BVN Band! It feels strange to be sending a Band Update right before I head out to a few days of break... but I thought it good to distrubte the details about our upcoming State Football Pep Band (THIS saturday!!) AND December 9th livestream concert out now, so you can [...]

2020-11-24T18:34:58-06:00November 24th, 2020|Categories: Band Update Category|

Fwd: BVN Band UPDATE week of 11/16

Hello all, Please see below for copy of this week's band update. This weekend, BVN Band audition results came out, congratulations to all for your fantastic work on these, we really enjoyed listening to you all play! Please also see information regarding our concert on December 9, and our Jazz [...]

2020-11-16T10:32:31-06:00November 16th, 2020|Categories: Band Update Category|

BVN Band Update 9-8-2020

Hello BVN Band! CLICK HERE for this week's Band Update, or scroll down for a copy. CONGRATS to our All-District Musicians - We had a record showing!  And, congrats to EVERYONE who auditioned for these groups. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed some great weather!  The Freeman [...]

2020-11-09T16:00:05-06:00November 9th, 2020|Categories: General News|

BVN Band Update – November 2nd, 2020

Hello BVN Band! Please CLICK HERE for this week's Band Update, or scroll down for a copy.  As always, the website version is highly recommended.  Thanks for understanding this coming out a day or two later than normal.  Halloween weekend around the Freeman house was AMAZING (Matthew was just about [...]

2020-11-03T11:06:21-06:00November 3rd, 2020|Categories: Band Update Category|
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