We need to fill openings by the start of the school year!
Please Contact these wonderful people if you would like to assist with their event!
Car Wash Fundraiser: OPEN
Care & Concern: Lori Jorgensen ([email protected]) & Lori VanderLeest ([email protected])
Chaperone Coordinator: OPEN
Concert on the Lawn Coordinator: OPEN
Concert on the Lawn Program: OPEN
Concessions Stand Volunteers: OPEN
Equipment Crew: OPEN
Feed the Band: OPEN
Flowers for Homecoming/Sweetheart/Prom: OPEN
Hen House Bagging: OPEN
Hospitality Team: Doris Lippe ([email protected])
Locker Decorations: OPEN
Pancake Dinner Coordinators: Ruth Waggoner ([email protected]) & OPEN
Photography: Chris Kirwan, Shutterfly managed by Libby Tullis ([email protected])
Plumes: Libby Tullis ([email protected])
Scholarship: Heather Ellis and Rob VanderLeest (treasurers – email above)
Senior Banners: OPEN
Social: OPEN
Spirit Wear: Libby Tullis ([email protected])
Uniform Coordinator: Elena Beckman ([email protected]). CO-CHAIR Needed.
Website: Tepring Crocker ([email protected])
Below are descriptions of the many different committees that help with the success of the band. If you would like to help with any of these areas, or have questions about how to help, please contact Libby Tullis at ([email protected])
Car Wash (August) – Schedule, market, and recruit volunteers for annual car wash held at Whole Foods behind BVN
Care & Concern (On Going) – Send flowers and/or cards to those in the immediately band family with severe illness or death, assist families in need (food, clothing, etc.)
Chaperones (On Going) – Chaperone football games, marching competitions, graduation, and as needed
Concert On The Lawn (COTL) (May) – End of the year concert and senior send off, order catering for approximately 300-400 people
COTL Program (May) – Keepsake program for seniors, will include senior photos & bios
Concessions (On Going) – Staff concessions for basketball & soccer games and as needed
Equipment Crew (Fall) – Load, unload, and set up equipment for field shows
Feed the Band (On Going) – Research, schedule, & order meals for the band & chaperones during the fall marching season and on an as needed basis
Hen House Bagging (On Going) – Bag groceries at Hen House on 119th & Roe to raise money for the band
Hospitality (3x a year) – Donate cookies and drinks for after concert refreshments
Locker Committee (On Going) – Decorate band lockers throughout the year for band camp, homecoming, senior night, contest season, etc.
Pancake Dinner (February) – Schedule, market, and recruit volunteers for the annual pancake dinner, feeds approximately 600-700 people
Photography (On Going) – Pick your event via SignUp Genius and come take photos to upload to band Shutterfly site, no fancy equipment needed
Plumes (Fall) – Plume the band for pre-game & half-time shows
Senior Banners (One Time) – Order & display senior banners (like the athletic teams have)
Silent Auction (February) – In conjunction with the Pancake Dinner, seek out donations, manage auction, collect payments, and deliver merchandise to winners
Social (OnGoing) – Schedule social events for the band family throughout the year
Spirit Wear (Summer) – Work with Directors and spirit wear rep to design spirit wear for the band, oversee orders and delivery
Uniform Fittings & Collection (3x year) – July – fit marching uniforms, November – collect marching uniforms, fit concert uniforms, May – collect concert uniforms
Website Editor (OnGoing) – Manage content & photos for the band website