Band Update: Enjoy your Holiday Break!!!
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL break. Please take time away, relax, and enjoy every moment with family. I’m looking forward to a wonderful second semester in the band! The Band Update is currently some quick reminders as we look ahead to the spring semester….
Thank you for all you do to support the Band!
Mr. Freeman
Second Semester At-A-Glance
- January: Semester Kick-off Meeting (1/13, 6:30 PM). Pep Bands. Snap-Raise. Pancake Dinner Ticket Sales. Mattress Sale.
- February: BVN Musical. Pancake Dinner!! (2/4). Pep Bands. Band Concert 2/16. Wind Ensemble to KMEA and Lied Center
- March: BVN Area Bands 6-8 Festival Concert. Jazz Festival. Winter Park Trip! Potential postseason BBall pep bands (voluntary)
- April: Contest Month! Return from Winter Park. Solo/Ensemble Festival and State Large Group Festival. Band Concert date TBD (will be changed from currently scheduled 4/4 concert)
- May: Celebration Month! Jazz Concert 5/4. Band Recognition Dinner (Band Banquet) and Concert on the Lawn 5/11. Class Day and Graduation Performances.
BVN Band Calendar Webpage.
BVN Bands 2021-2022 Calendar of Events (the “Fridge Calendar”)
Second Semester “Get Ready…. Set… GOOOO!” Band Meeting.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Thursday, January 13th, 6:30 PM – we’ll have an all-band student/all-band parent meeting to make sure we’re ready for a full semester ahead.
Help Out Over Break!
- Hen House Shifts
- Snap-Raise Fundraiser – are your emails in?!?!?!
- Mattress Sale on January 30th. If each band student gets 1 mattress sale, we make $30,000 (or more).
- Click here for the referral flyer. find someone now!
- More Details coming in January.
Winter Park Trip – Updates and Reminders:
- We have a GREAT group of Students and Parent Chaperones on the Trip. We can still ADD more travelers through January 7th. If you know anyone who might want to join, invite them!
- January 7th is a BIG Day
- Next Trip Payment Due. $250 for Students. $350 for Chaperones
- EXTENSION: Your Notarized Rules form is now due on January 7th. An extension from the first deadline, due to our inability to get a notary to our concert (my apologies!)
- Last day to enroll new travelers. Last day to withdraw without financial penalty.
- CLICK HERE for the Trip Info Packet
- CLICK HERE for the Trip Rules Form
The Week Ahead in the Band… will be updated in January!
CLICK HERE for the BVN Bell Schedule
Honor Band Opportunities!
Now that our auditions for EC and John Philip Sousa honor bands have wrapped up, we get to turn our attention to a different type of honor band experiences… The Fountain City Youth Brass Band, and a few different awesome weekend events hosted by colleges! These are like short, 2 or 3 day version os a summer music camp at a college, and they are PHENOMENAL experiences. They are open to anyone and everyone – a couple require director recommendations, others are just a sign up.
The Fountain City Youth Brass Band is the BEST experience you can imagine for Brass and Percussion students! World-class staff build youth brass bands that are amongst the best in the country, right here in our area. HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Click here for their website and info.
KU’s Prairie Wind Festival is an INCREDIBLE experience for students looking to advance their musical abilities and have a wonderful time working with college professors and students, and world class guest artists. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Seniors can also audition for the KU school of Music at the event. It is, unfortunately, on the same weekend as our Pancake Dinner and Musical, but if you are not participating in those, you should do this! Just sign-up and go!
UMKC’s MIDWEST HONOR BAND CLINIC, March 11-13, is a phenomenal experience. We have had many students participate in this in the past, and every one comes back with rave reviews! This one requires director recommendation. We’ll recommend anyone who is interested! Look it over now, and let us know if you are interested. Our recommendations are due by 11/22, so look at it/think it through NOW.
The KSU Concert Band Clinic is January 21-23. We have never had students attend this, but have heard it is very enjoyable! It is a director recommended group, and recommendations are happening now. If you are interested, read the info on their website and let us know!
Seniors – Scholarship Opportunity!
Each year, the Blue Valley Ed Foundation gives one “Kerry Layton Memorial Scholarship”, awarded to one outstanding senior in Band from across the BV School District. It’s a straightforward application… all seniors should go for it! CLICK HERE for the application and info.
BVN Band Calendar – Make sure everything is up-to-date!
BVN Band Calendar Webpage.
BVN Bands 2021-2022 Calendar of Events (the “Fridge Calendar”)
Expanding your Musical Horizons!
During the School year, there will be many AMAZING opportunities to make music outside the walls of BVN. Honor Bands, Private Lessons, and much more can and will be highlights of your year, and memories that will last forever.
PRIVATE LESSONS are HIGHLY recommended! Private lessons help students unlock skills and work on specific techniques that will greatly enhance their playing! Students who wish to be in the BVN Wind Ensemble, or who want to go for honor bands, take solos to festivals, etc should seriously consider private lessons. We are lucky to have many AMAZING private instructors in the area – just email Mr. Freeman or Mr. Wagoner for suggestions.
Fountain City Youth Brass Band – an incomparably awesome opportunity!!
The Fountain City Youth Brass Bands are INCREDIBLE. A premiere organization – one of the best anywhere – and a phenomenal experience for brass and percussion students. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! Click here for more info.
Honor Bands
The First honor band experience will be auditions for the ECKMEA District Honor Bands (all band students are eligible), and the Kansas Sousa Honor Band (for 9th Graders). These are FANTASTIC experiences and well worth the effort to audition. HIGHLY recommended for all students.
Please find all details of these and much more on our Extra Musical Experiences Webpage.
Audition Materials can be found on the Student Resources Login Page of the website. Students should know the password.
Students can earn a varsity letter in band, just like in any sport. Letters are awarded to students who go above and beyond what it takes to earn the band grade. Volunteering for pep bands, serving as a member of leadership, taking private lessons, participating in FCYBB and/or the KC Youth Symphony, performing at church, and on and on… all of these and much more can qualify for lettering points. CLICK HERE for lettering details.
First year letter winners receive the Chenille Letter Award, and 2nd/3rd/4th year winners get pins to add to the letter.