Week of 10/2 Overview
Band Quick Links:
- Order “Room 237” Show Spiritwear!
- AUDITIONS REGISTRATION: For ALL students who are planning to audition for ECKMEA Honor Groups or the Kansas Sousa Band. Please complete your registration by this Friday 10/6!
- IMPORTANT – PARENT HELP NEEDED THIS WEEK (click links to sign up)
- Trailer Loading Monday Morning 9 AM
- Chaperones for BV District Marching Showcase Monday 10/2
- Thursday Evening 10/5 – Concessions Volunteers for a short shift: 3 volunteers for 1 hour, pre-game preparations for the 10/6 FB Game
- Friday Afternoon Trailer Loading – 2 PM.
- NOTE: We’ll start in the back lot/at the fieldhouse to load the backdrops then move over to the band room.
- All of the instruments will be inside (load from band room) following assembly performance.
- Concessions Volunteers for Football on October 6th
- Chaperones for Friday Night Football 10/6
- Chaperone Sign-ups are on the Band Calendar. Upcoming Chaperone Events:
- BV District Marching Showcase – October 2 5:00 PM
- BVN Football vs. BV (Homecoming) – Oct, 06 2023 5:00 PM
- Branson Marching Invitational (overnight) – Oct 13 Noon – Oct 14 11:00 PM (return to BVN actually probably more like 1 AM on 10/15). Times estimated and to be confirmed.
- BVN Football vs. SJA (Senior Night/Light Show) – Oct, 20 2023 5:00 PM
- Kansas Bandmasters Association Championships – Oct, 21 2023. All day event time exact time TBD
- Potential home FB game on Oct 27, 5 PM
- BVN Band Calendar Website – ALL Details for ALL Events and you can subscribe!
- Go to the Calendar to sign up for ALL of our Chaperone Needs for Marching Season!!
- BVN Band Events, 2023-2024 – the “Fridge Calendar”
- Blue Valley North Fall Activity Guide! Features lots of Band Pictures!!!
- Marching Mustangs Schedule
- Performance Recordings!
- As we complete performances, we’ll post video and audio recordings.
- The link above takes you to the login page of our band website…. ask a student for the password! On that page you’ll find a folder containing performance recordings.
Each year, our Mustang Club (school-wide Parent Booster Group) provides a LOT of support for the band. They are WONDERFUL!!!! We need to provide a bit of concessions volunteers to help out the Mustang Club. Trust me when I say this – the return on our investment of support to the Mustang Club is INCREDIBLE. Thanks To ANYONE who can help with concessions!
For the fall, the Mustang Club has asked the Band for Concessions Support at three events. Click on the links below to sign up to help!
- Football on September 29th
- Small/short Shift: 3 volunteers for 1 hour on Thursday evening, 10/5 – pre-game preparations for the 10/6 FB Game.
- Football on October 6th
During marching season, our parent chaperones are critical for the band… and a lot of fun for the parents! NO experience required, a GREAT way to support the band and your kid, surrounded by wonderful people.
Chaperone Sign-ups are on the Band Calendar. Click on the appropriate event on the calendar, and then find the volunteer button! Sign ups go live on the evening of Monday 8/28. Times listed below are the times for Chaperones to arrive at BVN.
KC Marching Band Championships – Blue Springs South – Sep, 23 2023.BVN Football vs. BVSW – Sep, 29 2023 5:00 PM- BV District Marching Showcase – October 2 5:00 PM
- BVN Football vs. BV (Homecoming) – Oct, 06 2023 5:00 PM
- Branson Marching Invitational (overnight) – Oct 13 Noon – Oct 14 11:00 PM (return to BVN actually probably more like 1 AM on 10/15). Times estimated and to be confirmed.
- BVN Football vs. SJA (Senior Night/Light Show) – Oct, 20 2023 5:00 PM
- Kansas Bandmasters Association Championships – Oct, 21 2023. All day event time exact time TBD
- Potential home FB game on Oct 27, 5 PM
AUDITIONS!! For BVN Spring Concert Bands AND Honor Bands!
- BVN Spring Concert Band Auditions will use the same materials as KMEA All-District and All-State Band
- Woodwinds and Brass: CLICK HERE For audition music and details.
- Percussion and all Jazz Auditioners: CLICK HERE for auditions music. (this will take you to our Members only section of the website… one more click from there to the folder of audition materials)
- Hard copies of this music can be found on the bulletin board outside the Band Room.
- Kansas Sousa Band, for 9th Graders – CLICK HERE For audition music and details.
REGISTER BY OCTOBER 6th!! IMPORTANT: If you are planning to audition for the ECKMEA All-District Bands, OR the Sousa Band: Please REGISTER FOR YOUR AUDITIONS BY CLICKING HERE!
IMPORTANT: Stay up with Band Info!
Make a Shortcut, one touch, on your phones to the BAND CALENDAR Webpage: https://bvnbandboosters.boosterhub.com/calendar/1413#
On that page, you’ll find all available details of all band events. You are also one click away from:
- The Band Update Website (this page)
- The rest of the Band BoosterHub Site, including our store and much more.
- A couple more clicks gets you to our Members Only Page, which has resources for students and downloads of performance recordings (audio and video) as they become available.
SPAIN TRAVELERS: Read this, and pay attention to Email:
- CLICK HERE for our Spain Trip Webpage.
- The first Quarter of the school year will have several tasks for all Spain Travelers, as we put all of the details together for our upcoming trip.
- STUDENTS: Make sure to complete the Roommate Request form up by 9/11
- Chaperones: Make sure to complete the Chaperone Info Form by 9/2
- IMMEDIATE TO-DO: PASSPORTS!!! If you have not yet acquired your passport, the time is NOW! You might need to consider an expedited process at this time, to ensure your passport is processed in time. Insider tips:
- Pay attention to ALL the details on the Passport Application. A minor mistake can delay processing. Be picky with your passport picture, too!
- The application asks for a date of travel. List your departure date a week-ish in front of our actual travel.
- It’s been a while since I did this… but hopefully someone can confirm for me: The Post Office Location in Stillwell (199th and Metcalf) used to be the BEST place to complete your application. Previous experience: no appointment required and they are WAY on top of it – quick, kind, and DONE.
- A couple final fundraising pushes…. If EVERYONE helps it could make a good dent in our final payments!
- All-Travelers: a big info survey…. medical info, food allergies, official travel info (name as spelled on passport, passport #’s, etc), and more. This is a BIG one. When it comes out – complete it ASAP!
- And More!
- Traveler Status:
- We have a handful of travelers with questions about their status (i.e. land only or full trip? Going on the trip or not?).
- ALL Traveler Status Questions need to be answered by September 1st.
- Final Payments:
- Hard to believe we are down to the final payment:
- October 1: $625. And everyone’s trip paid IN FULL by 10/1.
- Please be ON TIME with these payments.
- We hope that some final fundraising push will LOWER these payments.
- PAY ATTENTION – then Respond Quickly and Appropriately
- Please Pay CLOSE attention to all email communication about the trip, and reply QUICKLY. This helps us SOOOOO much, behind the scenes. We’ll have a LOT of info to process… it goes SO much easier when we are not also tracking down non-repliers.
- If one of our Trip Coordinators contacts you, reply like it is from ME (or Mrs. Krulik/Mr. McCarty/Mrs. Erpelding). The coordinators are doing a whole bunch of work, pro bono, to make this trip happen for YOU. Thank you for showing your gratitude with awesome and QUICK replies.
1st Quarter in the Band, At-A-Glance
- Marching Mustangs Morning/Evening Rehearsal schedule continues through the month.
- Regular weekly schedules all month except no school Monday 9/4 (Labor Day)
- Big Events: Sat 9/23 Blue Springs South Marching Festival, Football Games on Fri 9/8 (MS Band Night) and Fri 9/29!
- Marching Mustangs Morning/Evening Rehearsal schedule continues on all regular school days through Friday 10/20. Morning/Evening rehearsals end on Friday 10/20
- Regular weekly schedules all month except no school Friday 10/13 and PSAT Testing Day (Date TBD)
- Big Events for Marching Mustangs: Monday 10/2 BV District Marching Showcase (a Really fun one!!), Football Games on Friday 10/6 (homecoming) and 10/20 (senior night/light show!). Marching Festivals (!!!) on 10/14 (Branson… two day trip leave Friday 10/13) and 10/21 (Kansas Bandmasters Championships @ KU). POSSIBLE home football playoff game on 10/27 (details TBD)
- Big Events for EVERYONE: HOMECOMING PARADE (all band members perform) on Wednesday 10/4. Coffee Shop Night (performance for Jazzers and Concert Band) on Tuesday 10/24
- Sousa Band Audition Recordings due Friday 10/20, for interested 9th graders.
November-December will be fun, too!
- We switch Concert Band and Marching Mustangs to Blue/Silver Concert Bands, who prepare the December Concert.
- ECKMEA All-District Honor Band and Jazz Auditions in Early November lead to the ECKMEA District Honor Groups – rehearsals and performances in Early December.
- SPECIAL GUEST ARTISTS VISIT BVN!!! The Fountain City Brass Band will do a residency at BVN in Mid-November!!!!!!!!!!!
- Blue/Silver Basketball Pep Bands: rosters will be set in November and we’ll have Basketball Games in December. Always a BLAST and a huge support to our community!
- Our Annual December Concert is a highlight of the year, each and every year!
- And… of course… Heading to SPAIN at the end of December!!