Band Update 10/1
- From the Directors:
- District Showcase – WOW!! (and video links)
- Everyone: Water and Tissue Donations.
- Seniors: Complete you Senior Night Info Form
- District Honor Band Auditions – time to register!
- Postgame Light Show this coming Friday 10/8!
- Everyone: Band Forms and Dues!
- Marching Mustangs – make sure the FB Game on October 29th is on your calendars
- A BIG Week Ahead in the bands! All the details for 10/4 – 10/8. Homecoming Week! Parade Wednesday. FB Friday – Homecoming, Senior Night, and Band Light Show!!
- Senior Night: Details/info for seniors and families
- District Honor Band Registration and details
- BVN Band Calendar – Please read carefully and update your personal calendars!
- Expanding your Musical Horizons – Private Lessons, FCYBA, Honor Bands, lettering in band, and more
From the Directors:
WOW!!!! Congratulations Marching Mustangs on a FANTASTIC performance at the District Showcase on Monday. This was a big step forward for us, and makes me very excited for the rest of our Marching Season!!
Thanks also to our FRESHMAN BAND and ALL of the students who are marching in our Homecoming Parade! You all worked hard in a strong rehearsal this past Wednesday evening. Well done!
REMINDER for everyone: as we complete performances, we load all performance videos in a folder that is linked on the login page of our band website. Band students should know the password. Login and enjoy our recordings!
Also – it was very nice to speak with several parents during conferences the past couple of days! Thanks to ALL parents for all you do to support our band students, and please know we are always just an email away.
WATER and TISSUES! Our water supply is already depleted…. Each year, we ask all band families to donate 1 case of bottled water, and facial tissues (kleenex) – in whatever amount you choose. If you haven’t yet donated, please do – we can use it!! Please send in your donations any time – just have your band student bring them to the front of the band room any time. You can also drop them in the main office, labeled for the band.
This coming Football Game (Friday 10/8) is our Senior Night! SENIORS: Please complete THIS FORM by Tuesday evening, October 5th. During Halftime of the game, we will recognize senior band members and parents. Marching Mustangs Seniors are all recognized, and all Concert and Jazz Band Seniors are also invited to join! Seniors and families, please read the complete details below in this Band Update.
ECKMEA District Honor Band Auditions are Coming up – time to register!!! Students who plan to audition need to CLICK HERE to register by the end of the day this Friday, October 8th! This is a great experience and all students are encouraged to audition, especially all students who are aiming to be in the BVN Wind Ensemble this year. Full Details can be found below in the Band Update.
The return of the Marching Mustangs LIGHT SHOW!!!! EVERYONE is invited to attend our annual postgame light show at this week’s football game (Friday 10/8). After the game, we’ll countdown 10 minutes, and then shut the stadium lights off and light up the field!!
MARCHING MUSTANGS: it’s time to have fun with this! Find battery powered strings of lights, LED’s, glow sticks, etc, and light up yourselves and your instruments! The rule: however you attach the lights to yourself/your instrument, it cannot cause permanent damage or staining to your uniform or instrument! No duct tape/etc that can leave residue and such. Other than that – GO FOR IT! The more you light it up, the more fun the show is!!
Band Forms and Dues: CLICK HERE for the complete forms packet, which includes all necessary information. If you have not yet submitted forms and dues, they are now do ASAP. Hard copies of the forms are available in the band room, if needed. Forms/dues can be turned into the blue box just outside Mr. Freeman/Mr. Wagoner’s office.
Marching Mustangs – Calendar Check: A few weeks ago, I added a potential home football game on Friday, October 29th. This is a unique game – it is a “regular season” game as every team in the state will play that week, guaranteed. However, it’s also the first round of playoffs (every 6A in the state is seeded in a big tournament), and the home team will be the higher ranked team in the bracket. If we host a home game, then the band will give a full performance, so please make sure this is on your calendars. More to come. (FYI – if the team advances through the playoffs in November, we will use voluntary pep bands with no field performance. If we have a home game on the 29th, we’ll do full pre-game and halftime shows)
Band in the era of Covid. CLICK HERE to read about our current covid-mitigation-in-band-rehearsals
Musically yours,
Mr. Freeman and Mr. Wagoner
The Week Ahead in the Band, 10/4-10/8
CLICK HERE for BVN’s Block/Traditional Schedule Rotation for October – November – December
CLICK HERE for the BVN Bell Schedule
Monday, 10/4
- Odd Block Classes. Homecoming Spirit Week – Midwest Monday (western/cowboy clothes!)
- Marching Mustangs: 7 AM Rehearsal, with a slightly adjusted schedule
Tuesday, 10/5
- Even Block Class Schedule with Late Start. Which Witch is Which? – Spirit Day (Twin Day)
- Marching Mustangs: 7 AM Rehearsal.
- Section Leaders and Drum Majors: Meeting During North Time
Wednesday, 10/6
- Odd Block Class Schedule. Homecoming Spirit week Theme: We’re not in Kansas anymore! Wear Jerseys/other attire from other states.
- Marching Mustangs AND ALL PARADE MARCHERS – Homecoming Parade Performance!
- 5:45 – CALL TIME! Line up in the parade block in the bus loop just outside the band room.
- Make sure you have a pep tunes flip folder on your instrument.
- This year’s BLUE SHIRTS are the required uniform.
- 6:15: Parade begins. We lead the parade through the neighborhood south of BVN, then up Lamar, past VPE and our BVN tennis courts, into the north parking lot. After the parade finishes, there is a short pep rally and lighting of the homecoming bonfire! We’ll play pep tunes for this.
- It all usually wraps up about 7:45. Once finished, put away instruments and head home!
- 5:45 – CALL TIME! Line up in the parade block in the bus loop just outside the band room.
Thursday, 10/7:
- Even Block Schedule with Late Start.
- Homecoming Spirit week theme: Twister Thursday! (inside out clothes, crazy hair, etc).
Friday, 10/8:
- Traditional Schedule – all 7 classes meet – with a slightly adjusted bell schedule for the Homecoming Pep Rally at the end of the day. Homecoming Spirit week theme: Mustang Pride – Wear the new BVN shirt!!!
- ALL Band Students: perform with us at the pep rally! Dismiss from class at 1:35 to get instruments and the pep band flip folders, and head to the west turf field.
- Note for Marching Mustangs: We MAY perform a small portion of our show during this pep assembly (standstill performance with front ensemble and color guard!. Details TBD… just wanted to give you a heads up)
- The “Let’s do it all on one night Football Game!!” Homecoming, Senior Night, and the BVN BAND LIGHT SHOW!! (Marching Mustangs Performance)
- Full Uniform with GRAY ROAD NOT TAKEN SHIRTS UNDERNEATH! Don’t forget your marching shoes, gloves, LONG BLACK SOCKS, and Shakos!
- SENIORS – plan to wear your Funny Hats during halftime!!!! Make sure to bring them!
- by 4:15: Band Room Open for Uniforms.
- Dinner – TBD. For now, plan to eat on your own.
- Upon arrival – set-up/warm-up/etc.
- 6:45: Pre-game show! (seniors, no funny hats please… save them for halftime! We’ll have special plumes for you for pregame)
- 7:00: Kickoff
- 7:45, estimated: Halftime
- Homecoming Court goes first
- BVN Band Senior Recognition next. Seniors – wear your funny hats!!
- Marching Mustangs Perform “the Road Not Taken” to finish
- 9:30, estimated: Game finishes. 10 minutes will be put on the clock and countdown! At the end of those 10 minutes, we’ll shut off the lights and the band will light up the field!
- following the light show, we’ll clean up the field, load the trailers and busses, and head back to BVN.
- Students are dismissed once their instruments are put away safely, the band room and other areas are cleaned up, and uniforms are hung neatly in bags/on racks. Estimated 10:30 Return to BVN
Senior Night – 10/8/21: Details for Seniors and Parents:
- All Marching Mustangs’ Seniors and parents/family members will be recognized during our Halftime Show.
- ALSO – Seniors in 2nd hour concert band and 6th hour Jazz: if you would like to be recognized at halftime, you are invited! However, there is no requirement for you to attend.
TO-DO: ALL Marching Mustangs Seniors/Senior families please complete THIS FORM by the end of the day on Tuesday, October 5th.. This form will tell us who is attending/accompanying the senior band members. Concert Band and Jazz Band Seniors: if you wish to attend/be recognized, please complete the form linked above, and that is how you can let us know that you will attend.
Flow of the evening/how it all works:
- During the 2nd quarter, an announcement: all senior band members and their parents should report to the track in front of the band.
- On the track, we’ll line you up alphabetically by student last name.
- When halftime starts, seniors/parents will walk down the track to be centered in front of the crowd, and you will be recognized! we will time this around the homecoming court announcement, also… move with a purpose – this portion goes QUICK.
- Marching Mustangs seniors, once the announcement is done, we’ll send you on to the field to perform, and make sure to wear your crazy hats!! Senior parents get to watch the show from the track!
- At the end of the halftime show, when the band performs the fight song, the senior members get their own field exit during the first time through the fight song. The rest of the marching mustangs will exit the field on the second time through.
- Pictures: often lots of pictures will be taken. This is totally fine! However, pictures cannot disrupt the flow. We have to move pretty quickly to get the homecoming court, band senior recognition, and the full halftime show done without running over time. If something is moving/changing, then pictures must pause until after the transition finishes.
ECKMEA District Honor Band Registration and Details!
It’s time to register for ECKMEA District Honor Band/Honor Jazz Auditions!
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! This is open to all Band Students, grades 9-12. Please complete your registration by the end of the day on Friday, October 8th.
Auditioning for the ECKMEA Honor Band is an AWESOME thing. It’s a competitive audition, and GREAT life experience, whether you make it or not. Also, making the group is a BIG honor, and is the first step towards earning All-State honors – the highest honor given to individual student musicians in the state of Kansas.
Sneak-peek for BVN students! Since I am the ECKMEA president, you’ll be in the know a couple of days ahead of the official announcement to everyone else… Auditions this year will be VIDEO AUDITIONS, due to covid. For those who did this last year, it will be the same format. In a normal year, the auditions are held live/in-person.
PERCUSSIONISTS – please note that this year’s audition is a “complete percussion” audition – meaning you will audition on snare, mallets, and timpani. If you haven’t been looking at all of the materials, yet, please do. More info coming SOON for percussionists. That information will include a CUT of materials….. you won’t be recording all of every audition.
All audition materials and info can be found on our Band Website, students only section. Make sure to open the folders and read the Auditions Instructions for Concert Band and for Jazz Band before registering. Since the auditions are video format and not live, sight reading will be removed from audition requirements.
Auditions Timeline:
- Now through October 8th, register at the link above.
- As soon as you register, send in $12 per audition, payable to BVN Band (instructions on the registration form). If you register after October 8th, the late fee is $25
- PRACTICE!!! If you are not in private lessons, if you can get started and get a couple in before auditions, it will be worth it!! Make sure you are practicing the auditions excerpts AND your Major Scales AND your Chromatic scales! (percussion: no scales requirement).
- October 27th: Video submissions window opens. On this day, ECKMEA will release “cuts” of all auditions, so you’ll actually record a little less than what is initially advertised.
- Tuesday, November 2nd: Auditions window closes. Videos MUST be submitted by the end of the day on Tuesday 11/2.
- Auditions videos will be unlisted youtube links with embedding enabled.
- PERCUSSIONISTS: Your audition is a complete percussion audition, meaning you will record a snare, mallet, and timpani auditions (3 separate short videos). Keep your eyes peeled for a reduction of your audition excerpts – TBA in the very near future (and will be posted here). Then, on October 27th, they’ll be another round of cuts announced before your record.
- Think now about your recording equipment. A good quality mic is important! The BVN Band has a couple of good mics you can check out, if needed.
Reminder to EVERYONE: We will use these exact same materials for our BVN Auditions for our spring concert ensembles. So – EVERYONE should take a look at these audition materials now!
BVN Band Calendar
BVN Band Calendar Webpage.
BVN Bands 2021-2022 Calendar of Events (the “Fridge Calendar”)
Recent Calendar Updates – please double-check/make these updates in your own calendars!
- ATTENTION MARCHING MUSTANGS – NEW ADDITION: Friday, October 29th, we have a potential home football game! This is a guaranteed game – the BVN football team WILL play that night, but it is the first round of playoffs. We will not know if it is a home or away game until later in the season. If it is a home game – we will give a full performance! If not – we won’t.
- Wind Ensemble Performances on Friday, February 25th (KMEA), and Sunday, February 27th (Lied Center/KU) have been added.
- Homecoming Week – Parade and Light Show!
- Please note the Homecoming Parade will be on Wednesday, October 6th (Marching Mustangs and Freshman Band Combine to perform in this parade!). This is a VERY fun event.
- Friday, October 8th will be a BIG NIGHT! It will include Senior Night for the Football Team and Marching Mustangs, Homecoming Events, AND our annual Marching Mustangs Post-Game Light Show Performance (they shut off the stadium lights and the band lights up the field!)
- Save the Dates for Summer Band Camp 2022 (for the 2022-2023 School year!
- July 25th – July 30th, 2022: “Pre-Camp” week. Percussion/Color Guard/Leadership/Rookies!
- July 31 – August 6th, 2022: Band Camp! With our parent performance on Saturday the 6th.
Expanding your Musical Horizons!
During the School year, there will be many AMAZING opportunities to make music outside the walls of BVN. Honor Bands, Private Lessons, and much more can and will be highlights of your year, and memories that will last forever.
PRIVATE LESSONS are HIGHLY recommended! Private lessons help students unlock skills and work on specific techniques that will greatly enhance their playing! Students who wish to be in the BVN Wind Ensemble, or who want to go for honor bands, take solos to festivals, etc should seriously consider private lessons. We are lucky to have many AMAZING private instructors in the area – just email Mr. Freeman or Mr. Wagoner for suggestions.
Fountain City Youth Brass Band – an incomparably awesome opportunity!!
The Fountain City Youth Brass Bands are INCREDIBLE. A premiere organization – one of the best anywhere – and a phenomenal experience for brass and percussion students. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! Click here for more info.
Honor Bands
The First honor band experience will be auditions for the ECKMEA District Honor Bands (all band students are eligible), and the Kansas Sousa Honor Band (for 9th Graders). These are FANTASTIC experiences and well worth the effort to audition. HIGHLY recommended for all students.
Please find all details of these and much more on our Extra Musical Experiences Webpage.
Audition Materials can be found on the Student Resources Login Page of the website. Students should know the password.
Students can earn a varsity letter in band, just like in any sport. Letters are awarded to students who go above and beyond what it takes to earn the band grade. Volunteering for pep bands, serving as a member of leadership, taking private lessons, participating in FCYBB and/or the KC Youth Symphony, performing at church, and on and on… all of these and much more can qualify for lettering points. CLICK HERE for lettering details.
First year letter winners receive the Chenille Letter Award, and 2nd/3rd/4th year winners get pins to add to the letter.